Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Struck!!!

This past weekend Tab and Brandon came to Boston to visit Gregg and I. While they were here we went New York City. We had a blast!!! The guys went to a Mets vs. Cardinals game while Tab and I walked Manhattan. I am not kidding, we walked from Soho to Central Park!!! While we were in Time Square Gregg and I saw Julie off of last seasons Survivor!!! Then as we are walking in Central Park we saw Evangeline Lilly (Kate) and Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) from Lost!!! I was star struck!! You talk about country comes to town!!! Tab didn't know who they were and leave it to me...I point at them and say "Them, they are on Lost." The entire time Dominic is looking right at me. I want to ask them for a picture but I decided not to. I know they probably get enough of that. Well, we were hoping to see some stars and we did!!!

1 comment:

Chris Streeter Davis said...

AWW, I have always wanted to go and will one day! I know it was awesome!

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