Thursday, July 27, 2006

Belly Shots

Well, here is week 2! I don't know if there is much a change. Actually, I may look smaller. I think the pants I had on made me look bigger. Well, everything is going well. I have my monthly Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. I am ready to figure out how far along I am. I am thinking I will be 13 weeks on Saturday but I will find out for sure tomorrow.

Oh, the baby gets to go to it's first concert tomorrow....Tim and Faith!!! As, you all know I LOVE some Tim McGraw!!! Well, I am going to go and dream about my other man, Tim!! Ha! Ha!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Little Scare

So yesterday was a little crazy! I woke up and started getting ready for work. I went to use the bathroom and I was spotting. I tried to stay calm and that lasted a few minutes. I called the doctor and they scheduled me for an ultrasound. I called Gregg and told him about what was going on and told him to meet me at the dr's office. So, of course I call my mom and sister had them start praying that everything was ok.

At 10am we had that ultrasound. Everything is OK!!!! When the tech started the ultrasound, the first thing we saw was the baby waving. It was like the baby was saying "Hi, mommy and daddy! I am ok!". He was kicking and moving around!! Yes, I said he! The tech said it isn't for sure but it looks like it could be a BOY!!!

I am a lot better today but I was a mess yesterday morning! THANK YOU, God for watching and protecting our little one! Well, I better get back to laying down. I have been told to rest and take it easy this weekend. Everyone just say a little thank you prayer that everything is ok!!!

Oh, here are some new pics of the baby! He actually looks like a baby this time! It is crazy that he has grown this much in about 3 weeks!!

Baby Traylor says hello!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Is that a bump I see???

Yes, I believe it is! I knew my pants were getting tighter but today well, you can kinda see a bump!!! And what is funny is I get asked all the time at work if my clothes are getting tighter or if I am showing yet. Today one of my co-workers was looking at my belly and asked me if I had a bump. I looked down and said, "Yea, I think I do!" I knew these pants were feeling a little tighter than before especially in the rear! I think it is getting time to get some new pants!

What is crazy is that I still don't feel like I am really pregnant. I mean I have the symptoms and I am obviously growing, so what is it going to take!! Maybe when we hear the heart beat or when I feel him/her move for the first time. Don't take me wrong I already LOVE this little being so much! There are a few times I have cried just thinking about if anything were to happen to he/she. It is crazy!!! Maybe it is the hormones!! Ok, I will quit rambling!

Well, I am going to try to take a picture weekly to show the progression of the belly. A friend told me that she knew someone who took a picture weekly in the same spot in their house to watch the progression of the girls belly. I had always said I wanted to do this month but we will try weekly! So, keep checking out the blog and see how big the belly gets!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Showing Off the "Kids"

Well, I tried to post more pics but it wouldn't let me. I guess I hit my limit! These are some pictures of my nephew, Austin and my niece, Mica. They had a baseball/t-ball game a few weeks ago! We had a blast! They both did so good! I was soooo proud of them!! And of course our "children" Rosco and Lola. I thought these were some cute pics of me and the dogs. Then the one that looks like they are hugging. Isn't it cute!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

How Everyone Found Out...

Well, we weren't sure for a little while. I was suppose to start on May 26th. So, of course that morning I took a pregnancy test. But, nothing. I took another one on the 28th because we were going to a friends house and I didn't want to drink if I was prego. This one had a very faint second line. I wasn't sure what is was saying remind you it was VERY faint. We bought another box and took another one when we got to our friends house. This time it said nothing. So, I waited 2 more days and took another one. This time the line was darker. I still wasn't convinced. I was scared to get my hopes up. Gregg knew though, he was getting upset with me because I wouldn't say we were pregnant. So, I made an appointment and we confirmed it. Took a little pee test and they said "Congrats, You are pregnant!!" So, now I believe!!!

I had already decided that I wanted to tell our parents and my sisters family by going to the Chinese restaurant in Stuttgart. I wanted to get some fortune cookies made so when they opened it it would say something like "A baby is in your future. Baby Traylor is on his/her way!" Well, after I found out we were for sure prego, I couldn't wait to tell everyone!

We told my sister first when we got into town. I bought a onesie and wrote "If you think I am cute you should see my Aunt" She didn't get it at first. She thought is was a shirt for my niece but when she pulled it out and saw it was a onesie she figured it out.

Then we told my parents. Well, I could get them together at the same time. My grandmother was in town and someone has to be with her at all times. My dad was at our house and didn't want to go down to grandma's because he was busy. So, I went to our house first. I had a gift bag and told him I found something he might like. When he opened it he found a bib that says "I love my Grandpa" He looked at me and asked "Are you trying to tell me something?" So, I told them that since they were being difficult I wasn't able to tell them at the same time. I told him that I still needed to tell mom. So, he decided to go with us down to grandma's to tell her and my mom.
So, I did the same thing for her. I gave her a gift bag and told her that I had found something I thought she would like. She opened it and started crying. She said she knew it was coming soon. This will make their 7th grandchild!

So, those of you who don't know my grandma, she had a stroke about 5 years ago. When she had the stroke it made her loose all of her short term memory. It is sad because she looks confused a lot of the time. So, we told her she was going to be a great-grandma again, that I was pregnant! Her face just lit up!! We don't see that a lot. Now, what was kind of funny is that later on we wanted to take a picture so we told her again. Her face lit up again. I think she had already forgot! So, we will have to reminder her along the way!

In the first picture I am telling her again!! Isn't that cute!!

Well, after that we meet Gregg's mom and stepdad at the Mexican restaurant. We decided to tell them in a "daily special." So, I printed up a "special" and we got to the restaurant before them to make sure we would be able to put it in the menus. Well, it almost back fired on us. We didn't think how they eat there all the time and that they get the same thing every time. We are sitting there and they don't even open the menu. I am freaking out a little. Gregg told them that they have a special today and that it looks pretty good. Well, Dale can't pass up a deal so he opens the menus and finds the "special" but his mom didn't care and didn't open the menu. So, Dale is reading our note and said, "Toni, you may want to check this out. It sounds pretty good!" So, she reads it and is so excited. They both popped up and gave us hugs!!

Gregg had to tell his dad over the phone because we weren't able to get him and Patti together to tell them. He was working and she had a party to go to. We were scared to wait because we didn't want someone else to tell them. They are excited also!

Baby Traylor, there are SOOOOO many people that already love you!!! All of us are ready to meet you come February!!! You will be such a joy and an exciting change in our lives!!
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker