Emerson and her Daddy!!
I know this is kinda gross but we are showing off her 3 top teeth!!! But what is crazy is that this pic was taken 2 days ago. Now she has another tooth coming in on the other side. So, she will have four teeth on top very soon!!!! She has 2 on the bottom and it looks like another one is about to pop up. So to sum it up she will have 7 teeth very soon!!! Oh how my baby is growing!!
So another little update...Miss Emerson has/had strep throat. We knew there was something wrong Monday night when she wouldn't take her last bottle. She is A LOT better today. It was hard to see her hurting. She was so whinny. We have such a happy baby that it was hard for us to see her that way BUT we have our happy girl back!! It is AMAZING how fast they bounce back!!