Baby Blob!!! AKA Baby Traylor!! Yes, for those of you who don't know Gregg and I are going to have a baby!! We had our first dr's appointment today. The due date is Feb. 7th. We are so excited!!
So, those of you who can't read the ultrsound (don't worry I held it upside down at first and Gregg had to correct me) look at the far left in the dark circle and there you will see Baby Blob! He/she doesn't look like a peanut or a piece of rice, just a blob. So, I guess it's nickname will be Baby Blob for now! The ultrasound tech told us that it hasn't formed it's arms or legs yet. If you look close you can see it's head! I wish I could show you the heart beat. It is so small but so amazing!!
After debating for a while we decide we will find out the sex of the baby. Gregg is convinced it is a boy! When we saw the heart beating on the ultrasound he said, "Yep, it's a boy!" But we won't find out until week 15and that is if our friend Lynne, who is an untrasound tech, can fit us in. Or we will have to wait until week 20 which will be at the dr's office. I am only at week 7. So, we have a ways! We will try to keep you guys updated with pics and new information along the way!

I am so excited for you both! You will make awesome parents. I look forward to Jonas meeting Baby Traylor. This is the beginning to the most precious gift God can give us. Love, Casey
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so excited for you two. :)
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