I can't
believe Emmie is already 4 mo!! She is getting such a cute personality!! She is
sooo happy!! She loves her
exersaucer, all of her toys, books, she will grab at toys, move herself around on the ground to get the toy she wants, rolls over from front to back and back to front and the list goes on!! She gets her 4 mo shots tomorrow.:( Hopefully she won't get sick with these. I will try to post some pics from the
dr's office. That is if I remember the camera!! Happy 4 months Emerson!!
Someone looks a lot like her mommy!
Emmie, you are so cute!! I love your little outfit. It was nice to finally see your mommy tonight even if it was for like 2 minutes in my hole in the wall office. Maybe I'll see you at church on Sunday!! Tell mom and dad that they need to go out on a date so we can hang out! :)
Reese has this outfit in all lime green. It's really cute on Emerson!
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