Saturday, June 25, 2005


This is Lola, our new addition to the fam!!!! Where do I start...Thursday night Gregg and I were talking about how we wanted to get another dog before or when we moved back to Arkansas. We thought it would be good for Rosco. So, we decided (or maybe I should say I decided haha) that we wanted a yellow female lab. I looked on and we found her and her 2 other siblings. What is crazy is that she is part lab part golden retriever. Just like Rosco!!!! I talked to her foster parents and they said they would have the girls at Petsmart. We went and looked and now she is ours!!!! She weighs 15 lbs and they say she is 11 weeks old. We think she is younger because she is so small. Gregg said he was reading the paper work that her foster mom gave us and when they found her she weighed 3 lbs!!!

She is a sweetie!!! Her and Rosco had a blast this afternoon. Rosco is really good with her. He will let her bite all over him. She is definitely holding her own!!! I had to pull her off of Rosco a couple of times because she was growling so loud and being rough with him. I know, kinda crazy!! Well, enjoy the pics. I will try to take some better ones tomorrow. These are a little blurry.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Lola is too cute!!! Congratulations on your new addition. Can't wait to see you guys.

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