Monday, June 06, 2005

This is Rated PG13....parental guidance for 13 and under to see these pictures!!!

For all of you who don't know we were in a wreck this weekend. After all of the pictures, it tells you what happend Saturday night. ALL 3 OF US ARE OK!!!!

We went to see the car today. I didn't remember it looking this bad!!! It almost made me cry, to think we were in that. We are waiting for the insurace company to get back intouch with us. I will be very surprised if they don't total it, but I have heard that insurance companies don't like to total vehicals anymore!! Regaurdless, we are getting a new car!!! Gregg and I went and look at Saturn Vue, GMC Envoy and Chevy Trailblazer. GM is selling cars at employee cost which is a tramendous mark down!!! And good for us!!! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!! We love you guys and can't wait to see you!!!


Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, Denise. I am so glad y'all are ok. Was Rosco with y'all? Poor thing. Wrecks are horrible and scary no matter if you are hurt or not. What a way to start off a move to a new place, but thank God things were not as bad as they could of been.

Emerson said...

Yes, Rosco was with us. He is fine!! He was just really scared, which we all were! Yes, I continue to thank God for watching over us!!!

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