Well, here is another cheesy belly picture!! We are at week 21! It seems to be going by so quickly! We have a lot to do...start on her room...clean it out, paint it, get furniture, get bedding. The list goes on and on. But it is exciting! We have to register and I have no idea what to get. What is the best? What is the safest? But once again it will be fun! I love being able to feel her move now. Gregg tries to feel but her kicks aren't strong enough. It makes it real! It is so neat when I feel her, I actually have this little being growing inside of me. And the love that we have for her. I can't even explain it!! Ok, I am rambling now. So, that is it for now. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week!
Oh, I remember those times. So precious. :) And so exciting! You look fabulous girl. :)
They are not cheesy. You are beautiful and one day Emerson will love looking at her mommy's tummy grow.
I can't believe you're already more than halfway there!
I remember when Jason used to get so frustrated when I'd make him leave whatever he was doing to come all the way across the house or when I'd wake him up to feel her kick...for him to feel absolutely nothing :o) Soon she'll be strong enough for everyone to feel her, though!
You look gorgeous!!!
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