Well, I am actually 19 1/2 weeks! I never seem to do this on the right day, which is Wednesday! We have a dr's appointment this Thursday. They are going to do another ultrasound to tell us the sex. They don't know we already know!! We just hope they agree it is a girl!!
I think I have figured out the baby bedding! I went to Cynthia East today and the sweetest girl, Jill, helped me out! Now, I will just have to figure out how much it will be to have it made. Oh, did I say that Gregg's Nana is going to make it for us!! So, I just have to worry about the cost of the fabric!
This is my inspiration for the room!
This is what we will probably use!
Dots on the outside of the bumper, stripes as the piping and lime green for the inside of the bumper. I am not sure how we will do the skirt. I will either have a hot pink or lime sheet. And I think I want the ties to be hot pink. We will see!! Oh, and I plan on painting the room light pink. Like the light pink in the dot fabric! One more thing, the crib will be black!
I love your bedding choice. I think it will make an adorable room for Emmerson that she will love.
Oh, Emmie! Your room is gonna be soooo cute! I love it!
Emmerson - you sure are showing! You will have the most hip bed in the world. Mom says I get a new bed and comforter too since we are going to have to do some rearranging at our house! My mom is not as hip as yours so I might have my mom talk to yours!!
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