Well, I had a dr's appointment today. I am still dilated to 1 cm but I am effaced 70%. So, I need to go 30% and 9 more cm!! If she isn't here, I go back on Tuesday, Feb 5th, and I think we will talk induction at that time. Everyone has there bets on when she will be born. A lot of people at Gregg's work thinks tomorrow or this weekend. There is a full moon and they think she will come because of that. So we will see!
I have gotten over the nervousness of child birth but now I am nervous about being a mom. I just want to be the best for her! I want to do the best! I am so excited for her to get here! I am ready to see what she looks like, to hold her, love her!!
Your love and care will come soooo natural Denise. You will be awesome as Emerson's mommy. She will adore you & Gregg. It will be much easier than you thought.
Welcome sleepless nights! And it's not that bad! She is worth every sleepy eye!
You are definitely in the home stretch now!!!!! Parenting is the biggest challenge you will ever face. You will get so much advice and it all contradicts! The best advice I ever got was to do what feels right!! Kids are so resilient and they can handle a few screw ups!! My biggest regret was spending so much time worrying about what I should be doing and not enjoying the moment! You can't get those moments back!! So - do what feels right, accept that it's okay to make mistakes, and don't sweat the small stuff! Pam
Please don't be nervous about being a Mommy. Just take things one day at a time and remember: You're the mother; you know her best and you'll know what's best for her. And...you've already been caring for her for NINE months and you've done a great job!
Please call me if you need anything...even just to talk!
Lots of love to you!
You will be a great mommy so don't worry about that and you look wonderful!!!
Okay... I am waiting to see her beautiful face on here! COME OUT EMERSON! I know you guys are so ready to see her! It's been a good, long nine months and we are all ready! Love, Casey
I couldn't agree more with Dana/Pam. I spent so much time worrying. (and still do) It will get so much better as each day passes. And she is right, enjoy every single minute with them. :) I can't wait to see pictures of baby Emerson. :) You look fabulous!!
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