Our precious baby had finally arrived and on her actual due date!! She is already an over achieverl!! Ha!Ha! Well, we think she is the most beautiful baby in the world! Miss Emerson was born at 4:49pm on Feb 7, 2007. She weighed 6lbs 13oz and is 19 inches long.
So here is how that day went...
I woke up around 6am that morning and felt pressure. I wasn't sure if the pressure was contractions or not. They continued every 5 min so on our way into work I decided to call the dr. He thought I might be in early labor but wanted to see me at 9:30am to make sure. So, I decided to go on into work. I was scared to tell anyone because I didn't want to feel like a fool if I wasn't in labor.
So, I make it to the dr office where I have to wait an hour because the dr on call is already delivering a baby. I finally got checked and they said I was at 3 cm and that they were sending me over to the hospital!!! It didn't feel real...I was going to have her that day!
To our surprise a friend of ours, Dana, was working and was going to be our nurse!! I am so glad she was, she made me feel so comfortable!! So, I got there around 11 am and got checked in. I got my epidural around noon. I progressed a little. Then I progressed from 6cm to 10cm in around 30 minutes! The epidural was AWESOME!!! I never felt a contraction!! I just felt pressure but it wasn't bad pressure. So, then I started pushing and had her in about 30-45 more minutes!!
It was the greatest moment! Gregg is SOOOO awesome with her! He is so patient and helps me to more calm and less stressed. She is the most beautiful little girl! And the love we have for her is unexplainable! Well, I guess that is enough babbling. I know you guys would like to see some pictures. So, here is our beautiful Miss Emerson Taylor Kathleen!
YEAH! Welcome precious Emerson. You are sooooooooo sweet and adorable. Your parents have been waiting patiently for your arrival and EVERYONE is glad you are strong and healthy!
lovely little baby p-ssy wish I could lick her , thanks for posting
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