Pretty girl in her new outfit from Pepaw and Mimi! Thank you! So, happy one minute and...
Not so the next!
Our first time to paint Emerson's finger nails and toe nails. Surprisingly she sat really still!
Emmie and Dr. O'Neill, her pediatrician. We love him, he is such a good doctor! 15 month shots at 16 months. Mommy was a little behind.
Emerson and Aunt JoJo-Fun at the zoo again!
Emmie and her favorite person, Mica
What a cutie!!
Mica trying to cool off under the sprayer. Some like it...
Others don't!
LOVE this pic!
My little sweetie! The next few pictures are a semi fashion show of all the CUTE clothes Em's Aunt Ashley bought her! Thanks Aunt Ashley!!
Strike a pose!
Hot Stuff!
She looks like a golfer here!
This is my best side!
Primping for the next picture
She looks so big here!
Model in training!
Pawpaw fixed our slide and Emmie LOVES it!!
Rosco lovin on Em!
Emerson loves playing outside with these blocks! Thank you Nanu and Pops!!
Emerson is my little helper! Here she is wanting to feed the dogs!! She is SOOOOOOO precious!!!!!!!
Ok, so it has been a while and I apologize! Emerson is getting so big! She is imitating/mimicking EVERYTHING...words, gestures! She is saying so many things...Rosco, Lola, sit (tells the dogs to sit for a treat), Clifford, Barney (yes my I am already eating my words on the tv thing), yes, please, thank you, hot, passy, applesauce, yuck, juice, what's that, uh-oh, fish, Austin, Mica, Pawpaw, I know I am forgetting some words...but here is my favorite word she says...MOMMY...in the sweetest high pitch little voice, it melts my heart every time she says it! She can show you where her head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, fingers/hand, feet/toes, chin, belly are located. She can tell what a dog, cat, duck, bird, wolf, cow, pig says. She does the hand motions to patty cake and itsy bitsy spider. She will blow on her food itf you tell her it is hot. She LOVES to dance!! She also LOVES to clean and put things in the trash!! She has a best friend at school and her name is Josie!! The teachers tell me that they have a love/hate relationship, which most girls do!! The other day I told her to tell Josie bye and give her a kiss which usually Emerson would blow a kiss. Nope not to Josie, she walked over gave her a kiss and told her bye. I about lost it, my little girl is getting so big!! She has such a cute, sweet and fun personality! Emerson is so compassionate! At school they told me that if a kid is crying she will try to give them her passy, a blanket, toy...something to calm them!! And everyday when we leave school she waves and says bye to EVERYONE and blows them kisses!! Can I say PRECIOUS?!? Emerson, I love you sooooooo much!!!!!!! I hope you know that!! You bring me so much joy!!!!!!! I am so blessed to have you!!!!!!! I thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for you!!!!!!!