Well, here we go again!! 38 WEEKS!!! How exciting!! I had a Dr's appointment yesterday. I am still dilated at 1 cm but he said that he can tell she has dropped more. I believe him because I have felt some pressure pretty low for the last couple of days. He said everything looks good. I will have to have antibiotics given to me when I check in to the hospital. I was positive for Group Strep B. It is a bacteria that is no big deal for me but can harm the baby when she is delivered. There is nothing I did but by having the antibiotic it will protect her from getting sick.
Well, we are as ready as we are going to be for her! We got the car seat installed last week and the bags have been packed for about 2 weeks. We have the pack'n'play set up by the bed. I have all the items I need washed. Toni is bringing us Emmie's baskets for the changing table on Saturday. There are still some little things we need to do in the room but it is all decorating related. No biggy!
I forgot to post the other pictures of the wreath and name hang. They are so cute! We plan on hanging the wreath on Emerson's door at the hospital!

You are precious Denise and I am so ready to see this sweet angel!
I love them both! Too cute. :)
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